20:59 - Thu 13 March 2025

The office provides every curriculum (program) creditable toward a degree and provides information and resources related to program registration. The Registration Office in the heart of this office is responsible for the administrative handling of all students, from enrolment to deregistration. They also look after the application and admissions processes for courses with local admission restrictions (first and more advanced semesters). Prospective students and students can receive advice from the Students' Registration Office for any matter concerning the application process and enrolment procedures.

At Shahid Ashrafi Isfahani University, the Education Office has overall responsibility for both research and education. This dual responsibility reflects the symbiotic relationship between research and graduate education; success in one is closely aligned to success in the other. The mission of the graduate program is to "foster excellence in research and graduate education." 

The Office leadership team that consists of faculty and staff members represents various disciplines of research and education. In addition, an extensive network of operational support is in place to support the office’s mission.