21:16 - Thu 23 January 2025

The Student Affairs staff works with students in a holistic manner, providing guidance and support in students’ pursuit of their educational goals and in their development as persons preparing to assume the responsibilities of maturely educated persons. The Offices of Residence Life, Career Services, Student Development, Health and Wellness Services, Campus Counseling, Scientific Associations are supervised by the Office of Student Affairs. Shahid Ashrafi Isfahani University takes seriously its commitment and responsibility to encourage students to discover their own abilities and potential and to assist them in making sound and independent decisions. Students are expected to consult regularly with academic instructors, faculty advisors, the Student Affairs Deans, department chairpersons, or academic deans regarding academic matters. Recognizing, however, that students sometimes need additional guidance in resolving personal, social, or academic problems, the University has institutionalized within the Office of Student Affairs a variety of programs to assist and support students, individually and in groups. Staff members are specially trained and available to help students resolve problems, coordinate emergency situations, and handle referrals from members of the University community. Meanwhile, the Office seriously provides a wealth of programs for the social, cultural, and civic engagement of its students.